Saturday Happenings

Patricia R.
on 3/14/14 10:57 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF Family,

I've been AWOL for a few days.  Sorry about that.  Gonna get some coffee, and be right back.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 3/14/14 11:29 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning,

I apologize for being AWOL the past few days.  I wasn't on my laptop much, and times I was on Facebook, I was on my iPhone, and it's so hard to post here from that thing.

Cindy, I'm praying for you and your hubby, and his Mom.  My Mom's was dating a wonderful man, and he suffered with congestive heart failure for a year.  When he was finally on hospice, he got the best of care.  My family was visiting them, when he was sent to the hospice at the hospital.  He passed when my family was heading home the next day.  Thankfully, he did not suffer.  I understand about unresolved childhood issues.  My Mom will go to her grave without every apologizing for stuff from mine.  I'm grateful that I made amends to my kids over ten years ago.

I'm staying home from docent training today.  My feet are horribly swollen, so the Physician's Assistant at my doctor's office told me to double my Lasiks dose, which is diuretic.  I spent most of yesterday in the bathroom, and since my feet are still swollen, and I'm taking the double dose again, I called in sick.  I'll make it up on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

I read the posts from yesterday, and Thursday.  

Vickie, Chris has no clue what she is in for when you and Butch aren't there to help with the kids.  Hopefully, she adjusts quickly.  I did not have live-in help with any of my children, and though I made a lot of mistakes, I eventually got the hang of it.  

Connie, I'm glad you got to Oregon safely, and are having a good time with your granddaughter, and her beau.

Judy, hang in there.  Spring will be here eventually.  I just learned to go with the flow, when it comes to the bad weather, and dealing with other people.  I learned the Serenity Prayer, and to accept the things I cannot change, and change the things I can.

I can't remember all the posts I read, but I am praying.

Hugs and Love,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Cindy P.
on 3/14/14 11:58 pm

Trish, thank you for your prayers.  Your mom's boyfriend was lucky not to have really suffered with CHF.  MIL has had a rough road.  She has been a trouper all her life and she's still putting up a good fight.  The dr. said that the human body/spirit is quite strong and will often hang in there quite a while which has certainly been true with her. 

Sorry about your feet being swollen.  Hope the Lasik does the trick and you get relief pronto.

Cindy P.

Eileen Briesch
on 3/15/14 4:21 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Trish and my OFF family:

Quick hello ... need to get in the shower and get ready for work. It's sunny and 62 but I feel like **** Woke up with a headache and a backache. I hear we're supposed to get snow and sleet tomorrow, so that might explain it. Doesn't help me now because I still have to go to work tonight. Fortunately, it's the Kentucky paper and not eight pages of sports, so it shouldn't be so bad. I just don't feel like moving.

Not much else happening. Got to get going. Hope everyone has a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 3/15/14 7:42 am

Good morning/afternoon Trish and everyone......

Just a quick check in. I did read all your posts. I am so glad Jennifer let us know she is alright. I continue to pray for you Jennifer. I care very much about all of you. I just really don't have time to reply to everyone today.

Prayers for all you and all of our wonderful OFF family!!!

Amanda had to work today at 1:30. Tyler and I just stopped into the library briefly. I am having such a wonderful time here!! It is so relaxing and so much fun!!

Know how much I love you all....HUGE HUGS.....connie.d

Judy G.
on 3/14/14 11:52 pm - Galion, OH

Morning Trish...boy you better get those feet of yours UP so the swelling gets DOWN!! WOW...

Well found out the tenant that skipped out on us couple weeks ago had the electric shut off for non payment...figures...par for the course!! Can't get it turned back on now til Monday...wonderful!! Glad its not that cold out for pipes to freeze up!!! Sighs......Heard next snow storm hits in a couple days again. WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!

New kid we hired I would love to take his cell phone and put it where the good lord split him!!!!! What part of NO cell phone unless it is an EMERGENCY does he not understand??????? Rick had him help him yesterday and he went to hand him the globe off the light post and here he was on his dam phone again!!!! Come Monday morning when he comes in I guess we are going to have a meeting and explain once AGAIN the rules. Wish we had more guys apply for this job that's for sure!!!!!! He does work good when he is OFF his SIGHS.

Today not sure what is going on yet. I know I am going to Bingo. That is one thing I like to do to get away for a couple hours each week. Rick hates it. He stays home and plays his music that I hate so it evens out I guess. HAHA.

Connie Maryann is taking care of the cowboys...she is such a but then I cut her WAY back!!! LMAO Hope you are having a good time with your family!!!!

My son sent me a picture of my grand furbaby yesterday...OMG he is about 90 pounds now!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! He is filling out nice and is getting so pretty now!! Can't wait to see him again!!! Which I think won't be until about end of July or early August? Not sure yet. Or is it end of June early July? Gosh can't remember now when the graduation party is...CR****ting again!!! So much happening in my head grrrrrrr lol.

Well that's about it for me today...Rick is calling have to go...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!


on 3/15/14 1:39 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Trish, Cindy and Judy!  And all my beautiful OFF sistas!

It is raining here again.  Glad for the rain, sorry to miss the sunshine!  At least it is warm today. 

We didn't get much done yesterday at all.  Just too lazy I guess.  We took a nap rather than going down to work on the rent house.  Today we are babysitting the boys while Chris and Mike go down there to paint.  Suits me.  I can't paint anymore with my bad shoulder, but I can cuddle and giggle with the boys.

Did y'all see that notification on FB from Grammylew?  I'm not sure it's really her, or if it's one of those hacker/hoax things.  Does anyone know for sure?  I'm not going to friend her new page until it's confirmed.  Too many hackers these days.

Does anyone have a waterproof digital camera?  We're thinking about buying one for our trip and I need recommendations. I want one that has wifi, so I can upload pictures directly from the camera to the internet.

Also, has anyone ever had their eyelashes tinted or dyed?  Nancy B wrote me on FB about having her eyeline tatooed on, and another friend of mine also did that.  They both love the results, but I'm a bit leery of doing anything permanent.  I just want to go on vacation without the bother of mascara, you know? 

And--one more question--has anyone ever used those personal mosquito repellant gadgets?  The kind you clip on your belt?  Did they work? 

Praying for Cindy and her family today.  Also praying for our sweet Jennifer, who has been MIA for quite a while.  Hope she is doing okay with her cancer treatment.  If I remember correctly, Carla is going wheels up today or very soon.  Safe travels, Carla!  Oh, Mary Gee friended me on FB last night and I sent her several of you as potential friends.  Just FYI.  Hope Connie is having a good time with her granddaughter and weather is cooperating.  Judy, can you make your new guy leave his phone on your desk in the office?  Or is that too much?  Trish, I sure hope the swelling goes down quickly for you.  You take care of yourself, sista!  Eileen, you are so good to your former boss!  I hope he finds other employment soon.  Anyway, you are storing up good karma for yourself.

As for me, I'm just anxious to hear back from BCBS about my surgery.  I will call the doctor's office on Monday to see if they've heard back yet or not. The sooner BCBS denies precertification, the sooner I can start the appeal process. 

I guess that's about all the news.  My guys want breakfast, or is it brunch at this point?  LOL!  I'm thinking pancakes!

Love you all!



on 3/15/14 2:17 am - Canada

Hello Everyone:

i read every day although I dont post because nothing has changed in my routine. I still go for radiation everyday except weekends. I sleep a lot, until noon most days. Dont have much energy for anything else. Friends have offered to drive me to my daily treatments and do groceries for me,  my immediate needs are taken care of.  So it's just day by day, and hanging in...It's also snowing so is still winter out there. No wonder I feel like a nap, wake me up when the snow is gone!

Thanks for your good vibes!




Mary Gee
on 3/15/14 7:23 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Good Day Ladies!

Cindy - Sorry to hear about your MIL.  My Mom lived with me the last year and a half of her life - she had Alheimer's and couldn't be alone any longer.  Was doing great until a month before she passed when she had an episode of shortness of breath.  We arranged in-home hospice.  I can't say enough about the care she received, it was wonderful.  I'm sending prayers and good wishes your way.

Trish - I feel your pain!  I take two doses of Lasiks daily.  Otherwise my legs would be ballons.  A fre years ago I has a Nerve Conduction Study done, and they had big problems doing it because my legs were swollen like watermelons.  Ugh!!  I make many, many trips down the hall to "use the facilities".  Thank goodness I'n no longer at work - it was quite a hike to the ladies room.  Hope things improve for you.

Vickie- thanks for "friending" me on FB and recommending me to the other ladies. Saw the pictures - the bedroom is quite bright, but I liked the bathroom color.  The outside pictures are really nice!  Chris is lucky to have such great parents.

Eileen - hang in there.  Spring MUST be around the corner!  I think most of us have had a horrible winter and will be jumping for joy when Spring finally arrives.

Judy, Judy, Judy!  You are a real trooper!  It's a shame that with the economy we have, you just can't get good help.  I think now-a-days employers have it tough because of time lost from work due to internet and cell phone usage.  I used to be amazed at the number of co-workers that had their cell phones on at the desks, and the number of calls they made and the games they played.  People can't seem to even make it from their desk to their car at the end of the day without being on their cell phone.

Jennifer, the snow will be gone soon!  Going for radiation every day must be rough to say the least.  Glad to hear you've got good friends to help you.  Prayers are coming your way too.

Well, not much going on for me.  Taylor is here for the weekend - she is such a joy! Smart as a whip!  Have to be careful not to spoil her too much.

I've got to go to FB and find out what this  "Candy Crush is all about! 







 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 3/15/14 8:00 am - Bradenton, FL

Hey there i got to take my crazy car into Nissan on Monday before we leave Tuesday. The hood latch broke and we cant open up the hood! Always something! There goes 100.00!

That car is almost paid off! Now it is starting to nickel and dime me!!!!!! 

And life goes on!

Praying for everyone! 


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